Essex Farmers’ Carol Service

Christmas Filming
3rd December 2020

Essex Farmers' Drive In Carol Service

This year we have been taking a different approach to our winter entertainment due to the changing restrictions.

Last weekend we joined with Essex Farmers, Essex Young Farmers and The Farming Community Network for a Drive In Carol Service.

The day was grey, windy and raining but the atmosphere was warm and welcoming. Following an early start for the crew we setup PA either side of the trailer stage supplied by High Trees Packers Ltd and a delay stack 30m down the car park using KV2 VHD

Birddog A200 cameras were used to film the service so it could be made available to those who couldn't attend in person. This produced a simple 2 camera shoot to cover the service itself and a Panasonic CX-10 to get some "B-Roll" footage to be edited later.

Lighting was a simple setup, 8 Chauvet Pro Par H12 IP to provide front light for filming and Prolights Smartbat Plus to colour the back of the stage and Nativity scene

With 300 cars in attendance the Essex Young Farmers provided carpark services with their usual efficiency and skill honed from there annual country Show.

Rev. Canon Janet Nicholls Chaplin to FCN Essex led the service and Rt. Rev. Roger Morris, Bishop of Colchester addressed the congregation and blessed the crib.

The carols were provided by New Hall School, the school choir originally planned to attend were stopped with a positive Covid test, the replacements were teachers and musicians who were more than up to the task. Additional songs were sung by Nancy May a local artist.

Essex Young Farmers held a "Best Dressed Tractor" competition, the Prize awarded to Southminster Young Farmers Club was awarded by High Sheriff of Essex, Mrs Julie Fosh.


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